Monday, November 21, 2016


View as you read measures affixed;
each word, or sound your lips do spit;
run under old staved wood don't quit;
stressed and unstressed feet they have mixed;
in it, rhythm and rhyme betwixt;
for feet brake sharp no marks omit;
in time, tetrameter affixed
catalectic is not mouth spit;
acatalectic verses fix;
take sways when cadence does transmit;
in rhymes and caesura tight-knit;
omitted letters are not fixed;
now, metrical tricks are affixed

Form: Structured Poetry
Style: Acrostic
Genre: Lyrical
Classification: Didactic Poetry
Meter: Iambic Tetrameter
Stanza: Thirteener
Rhyme Scheme: Mono Rhyme

©Paterika Hengreaves
January 31, 2009


  1. Dear Paterika

    Another gem of a poem. The lines I was takem by are :

    "Foot brakes sharply, made strong marks in the park.
    I am, making pentameter lines rhyme,
    Catalectic cuts lines with solo mark;
    Acatalectic fills the metric line and rhymes with acrostic;
    Take time, but sway with the cadence as a balance would;"

    The word cadence is a poem in itself and sadly, rarely used.

    Thanks for sharing this.


  2. Thanks Bob for your comment. So sorry though that in editing the poem some verses were altered including those verses featured in your comment.

