Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers' Day

(in Acrostic)

Many pros and cons, tag parents;
onus on mothers to bear fruits;
the Creator placed on us, His
heavenly endowed portmanteau;
even Adam wore it to sow…
respect moms, Benedict said it’s
sacred, to catholic decree;

Drawn to passions' bed we do wed
as Jordan floods the Dead Sea bed
yearly, since Mary birth us Christ.

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© Paterika Hengreaves
May 10, 2009, Barbados


  1. Hi Paterika

    Always refreshing to read your poetry. I really liked the layout. Bob

  2. Hi Paterika How have you been doing. Mothers day a most important day. I celebrated it with my mum and daughter so that was special. I respect mothers since I am one myself. So hard work

  3. Dear Marja

    I'm still doing a lot of spring cleaning around my homes in the south western part and in the northern part of the island. The distance between them is about half and hour's drive by car.

    I'm delighted that Mothers' Day brought you awesome rewards, and chief among them,quality time with your mum and daughter.

    I'm glad you had a great holiday in your homeland, Holland. So it is nice to have you safely back in New Zealand and in blogsphere.

  4. Kia ora Paterika,
    I had a long talk with my mum across the miles. It can be a very melancholy day, yet hearing her voice is a tonic. Hope all is well with you.
