Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Reverie

She stands
the quiet stream
holds lily pad
within her hand
hiding her face
from the glaring eyes
of dawn

Her mind
wanders among
the distant hills

In dreams she sees
true love surfing
floating clouds
pouring rivulets
down her cheeks

She opens her eyes
in silent prayer

She wishes
true love
would come her way

Gee Wiz!

No such thing
as true love
holding a mouse

Yet, I must say
friendships are many


And where dreams take control
as the skewed mind
dances the cursor
chat with siggies

Laugh out loud in space

Good grief!

clad in satin and lace
massed insanity
the reverie
on the

World Wide Web

©Paterika Hengreaves

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful and funny I love this poem. Ah you'll never know Space love might exist
    Arohanui, marja
