Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wisdom in Rhymes

If words have no meaning,
If words are empty suits,
With no roots or off shoots;
Then why are we speaking?
Then why are we screaming?

Why speak words unfeeling?
Why speak words misleading?
If words have no meaning,
If words are empty suits,
With no roots or off shoots;

Why speak words of passion,
In linguistic fashion,
If words have no meaning;
If words are empty suits,
With no roots or off shoots;

Why humans have this gift?
Non-persons a makeshift;
If words have no meaning;
If words are empty suits
With no roots or off shoots;

Words have consequences,
And words make sentences,
With heaps of imagery,
To lead divergent thoughts
Through webs of juggernauts;

Words do rain down judgment,
On the past and present,
With heaps of metaphors
To lead, divergent thoughts
By the rich and have-nots;

Words are not empty suits;
They grow roots and offshoots;
All words do have meaning;
Flush all the vitriol
Down, toilet once for all.

Bridle flapping red flag
With civilities' tag;
For words do have meaning;
They are not empty suits;
They grow roots and offshoots.

Tone up red flag daily;
Christina sings brightly;
Ever-green with meaning,
Growing roots and offshoots;
Words are not empty suits.

Sunflowers’ lights snuff out,
In Arizona's drought;
Drying tears with sane words;
Tucson's love swamps the throng,
In speeches and in song;

Policing hard today;
And folks want their own-way;
Liberal parenting;
Hooligans out of hand;
Respect no laws of land.

Spread sunflowers around;
Where frienemies abound,
Speaking with dog-whistles;
Let our thoughts and our deeds,
Spring gardens of good seeds.

© Paterika Hengreaves
January 12, 2011/12:31 PM/Cassia Drive, Barbados


  1. Kia ora Paterika,
    This reminds of the power of words and speech, and how it is best to most often ponder those words before opening one's mouth.
    A Peaceful and Prosperous New Years wish to you and yours my friend.

  2. Love your poem. I love your words wich are full of wisdom I love words for their beauty.
    Hope all is well with you. Love Marja
