Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Invader

(Dactylic Hexameter in Qualitative Meter)
(Remember! A poem has both implicit and explicit meaning, and that is the beauty of it all)

Soon as the girl in her night gown closed door, climbed on the bedspread;
Clinging to window a bug in a web cage; spider on soft lace;
Looking from skyline, tall poles stuck deep, lighting the homestead,
Hot air blowing in! Spider in bedroom, crawling in Jane's space.

Swift as a hare from the hole, Jane made mad dash from the bedroom; 
Grabbed on the doorknob, wrestling with dead bolt, breaking the hinged door; 
Dashed for the flit-can, battling the web squid, sprays with a vroom-vroom;
Falling from cobweb, eight feet drop dead, sprawling on pine floor

Dustpan, long broom, water in blue pail, mop in her hand, Jean
Holds on to high hope; big thoughts: end wars; feast on the peace pie;
Spraying and killing the heart and the body and spirit of earth's green;
Stop the abuse, on the earth's face, wink, wink, powers with false eye.

© Paterika Hengreaves
 Barbados/March 1, 2011


  1. Interesting. I am going to have to reasd this a few times as I feel I am missing something.

    Best wishes

  2. Haunting, mystical and beautifully crafted. You are a poet and wordsmith extraordinaire.

  3. Your poem is so charming and striking all at once. I get something deeper going on than just the girl vs spider, though that is arresting enough. Your use of dactylic meter is remarkable.

  4. Thank you jobey-george your comment on this poem is greatly appreciated.Yes indeed, implicit and explicit meaning can be used in this poem.
