Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Ode to Sweet Revenge - Ground Zero Never

He is cleaning House;
They want it done with lightning speed
Such a measure was not required
Of former Potuses

Different benchmark and strokes
They demand of President Barack
Doesn't matter what Obama does;
Cold water poured on his back

Blackberry they vowed to weed out
From among their bushes
For bush teas give strong Constitution
To forget the two wars with hidden goals
That tanked their economy;

Have no axe to grind
Don't live in stars and stripes land
Yet senses keen straining pulp from facts
You serve through space
On special interest buffet plates
So from afar vision clear with a mind
That gets at the core of the bones;
Findings shared with blood relatives
Born and bred Americans
So here the beef feeding
My head on a tropical island;

Let me tell you folks in Uncle Sam's land
With forgetful and selected memories
Some of the startling facts
Truthful hearts dear not deny.

He pledged to get that bastard
"Dead or alive" failed; Why? The economy tanked
Wall Street engineers mix steel with play-dough
Fat cats hold tight their money and their loot;
Madoff’s clans, Oh how did they glow
Dirt in the laundry reaching sky high;
Washing machine agitates on wiki leaks assault
And by George! Two full terms served
In that great mansion in Washington

Rejoined family fortunes
In southern Texas far from Wilmington
Leaving the dinner table with heaps of left-overs
For Maison Blanche newest tenant;

The first black President rode into Washington
With dreams like Martin Luther King
More mess to clean than by-gone slaves
Ever had in Deep South of the Mississippi;
President Barack Obama must start from scratch
Scratching his back

Oh how they wail when he takes vacations
Even though in his backpack he carries around
Is filled with what must be done
To put people back to work which strains his Brain
How he must get sacked people back to work
Amid deficit, tornadoes, hurricanes and the downgrade
In education and plenty schools
With dropouts with no stock and trade
A working vacation is all the luxury Bo can demand.

He is your elected President for blacks, whites,
And all the colors in between;
Let no class, gender biases, or creed divide
The democratic plank you hold so true
Acknowledge he got handed a heavy loaded "to do list"
Much more than others before

The world watches on
At Washington's lack of rapport
Why the tea-party serves him rock cakes with root-beer
And slapping him down with their mischievous narratives
Failing to grasp that the President strives for initiatives
And compromise across the aisle on policies
Beneficial for growing their economy and jobs
For the rich and poor alike; while keeping Star Spangled
Relevant to international eyes;
The mess handed him needs Clorox and surgical knives;
With everyone willing to pay to Uncle Sam honest tithes...

Bin Laden at large hiding for a decade
In a Packed enclave that feeds this beast
At the expense of the Stars and Spangled
The first black President vexed as hell
Without much fuss and cuss
Pledge on his entry to the White House
That he would capture and kill him
That man, the master mind of Ground Zero’s mayhem.

The throng not privy to the command to act
when he called on
His loyal and fearless Seals anon
President Barack Obama far from the bush
He delivered on his pledge
The beast he ambushed
In a manner that so well fitted
This beast's evil mind and six-foot frame
Tearing apart limb by limb,
For crimes against humanity;
They blasted his head off, in the dim
For God is good, in Him we trust His firm resolve,
Osama bin Laden loaded with lead a celebratory tragedy

Now in deed sleep in the Arabian Sea
To grow scales with his fish
Such sweet revenge all of US all along, did wish
On this tenth anniversary of Ground Zero
Heroes among the dead patiently waited for this.

Terror plants beware! The Spangled eyes will forever
Keep watch over your inhuman maneuver
And with all the Star Spangled might
Vows he will keep the sky true blue;
As we bury our enemies that do US harm in the vale
In full-scale we shall prevail

So on this Remembrance day
Of September 11 we will never forget to celebrate
The life of the dead and brave fighting guys
Reflected in Ground Towers, sky-scraping the sky
Having risen from their temporary sleep
The phoenix rises above the ashes; no more do we weep
Because it beams powerful light
And might on beds of forget-me-not
Ground Zero- Never!

Ground Towers Rebound with all its might
Blooming forget-me-not splendidly bright;
Democracy gives US that rite.

© Paterika Hengreaves

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