Friday, January 03, 2014

Fussy Raucous

A fluffing, a puffing and a picking
Again, at each other’s nose, eyes and ears;
Eagles weaving their nests on white house stairs;
Dicing and sticking, mining and whining.
A fluffing, a puffing and a tweeting
Loud this chorus: crocus, mucus, potus
Spins, left to right, must center, to focus
Like those dragonflies in the air; twerking...
 Why all this fluffing, puffing and striking?
Adam’s head keeps rolling upon Eve’s knees;
Sneaky, sleazy snakes on US, full of fleas;
Scratching and huffing Manu each morning.
Why the fluffing and puffing in the feud;
Mixing and fixing, failing and paling
Canning news and muse, and brave guys dying;
Chutney and curry goat on bush they stewed.
Fiery sound-bytes Rush from beneath the tongue
Because, abba tar shines on the white house
Caused cuscus to hide under Lincoln's blouse;
Folks Rushing and cussing all over town...

© Paterika Hengreaves
(March 2014)

Click here to the analysis on this poem


  1. Kia ora Paterika,
    Clever and so well hidden until I read through this a few times and it bloomed like a flower. Yes, much hysteria from the haves afraid of the have nots. Hope you are well.

  2. good morning from Indonesia ! inally made time to catch up on your writings and wordsmithing.

    I got a lot out of this poem byt sadly it reinforces the mamnu chips I have on my shoulder about people in high placesm and their relationships with others.

    Long live Barack !

