Saturday, April 05, 2014

Elegy for Angela Greaves Barnes, RN

(in Elegiac Couplets)

Elegy for Angela Greaves Barnes, RN

Checking those charts at her station my Angela carefully read all;
September nightingale unabated in snowfall...
Strong to us, suddenly frail in the eyes and her movable stride weak;
Broken in spirit and fewer her words but she did speak.

Loneliness sealed in the box with her dreams and my Angela is gone;
Roses engraved and she shines in the galaxy; lives on.
Numbness in body with shaky emotions that caved in and lay bare
Sadness of mourners there; filled with numbness from nightmare.

Cancer in stomach and pain in her bones and her thoughts in dark grave;
Fighting a battle with mortician’s hand at her still wave;
Angela spoke for a time as she geared for the traumatic event;
Gone from this world; as we grapple with hymns and with praise sent....

Christ to us gives the assurance and strengthens us; comes from the Most High;
Years of her life she at fifty would hand us her goodbye.
Wading and splashing in lake to the south of her, swans in a straight row;
Family and friends with their thoughts in respect and their tears flow.

Faces of copper and hovering cold on those mourners and pall-crew;
Marching with casket with roses away from the glass-view...
People around her at grave and her son with his sister in dark blue;
Family, Petty her friend there he stood and he cried too.

© Paterika Hengreaves
November 2, 2006/Autumn,Ohio,USA

Angela Barnes died September 16, 2006.
Resting in peace in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens.
Collage Park, Georgia ,USA


  1. I do believe that it is with heavy heart that you have composed this Epic,and the words i'm sure have flowed from your Soul onto the page.

    Please accept my condolences unto you for your great loss,of such a loved One.

    Your friend,


  2. Kia ora Paterika,
    Kia kaha my lovely friend.
    Aroha e hoa,

  3. Kia ora Robb

    Thank you for visiting. I hope you are recovering nicely from your surgery. I shall visit you blog this weekend.

    Take care and get well soon.
