Part One
Barbados Stamps Speaking Volumes
(Queen Victoria:
British Empire I)

Queen Victoria on the throne;
Morality enthroned;
To every far flung colony;
Barbados, so tiny;
Growing sugar-cane island’s crop;
Slaves no wage, worked non-stop;
Elite kept their pounds, shillings and pence;
Slaves cane-fields; heat intense;
Slaves cut sugarcane filled dray-carts
Feeding mills; black poor hearts;
Bedchamber crisis at Palace;
Peel resigned from office;
Interesting review on this;
This postage stamp depicts
Britannia, Roman goddess,
Postage face does impress.
What are those images you see?
Neptune god of the sea;
Britannia personified;
And Romans canonized.
Female personification;
Britannia’s passion;
Brave waves did splash over England;
Britain, the great island.
Like Neptune she held a trident;
Three prongs so evident;
Neptune rides waves with seahorses
Well; Britannia does.
Old Barbados postage for you;
Plenty facts stuck with glue;
These sticky little squares do show;
Monarchy you should know;
What rates for the weights they must hold,
On papers new or old;
Postage stamps tell, tell true stories;
Not of Whigs and Tories.
Stamps revenue for government;
Posts legal document;
We make love to sticky-paste squares,
With kisses glue adheres.
Queen Victoria days of yore;
Penny Post at the door;
World's first postmark known, who carved it?
Henry Bishop made it.
Who gave Bajans adhesive stamp?
Was Rowland Hill, the champ?
Barbados postage stamps left clues;
Of kings and queens infuse;
Queen Victoria on the throne;
Morality enthroned;
To every far flung colony;
Barbados, so tiny;
Growing sugar-cane island’s crop;
Slaves no wage, worked non-stop;
Rich kept their pounds, shillings and pence;
Slaves sucked canes; heat intense;
Slaves-cut sugar-canes filled dray-carts
Feeding mills; black poor hearts;
Bed chamber crisis at Palace;
Peel resigned from office;
Interesting review on this;
This postage stamp depicts
Britannia, Roman goddess,
Postage face does impress.
What are those images you see?
Neptune god of the sea;
Britannia personified;
And Romans canonized.
Female personification;
Britannia’s passion;
Brave waves did splash over England;
Britain, the great island.
Like Neptune she holds a trident;
Three prongs so evident;
Neptune rides waves with seahorses
Well; Britannia does.
Died January twenty-two;
Mother of children too;
Rigid view of morality;
She held with clarity.
Old Barbados postage for you;
Plenty facts stuck with glue;
These sticky little squares do show;
Monarchy you should know;
What rates for the weights they must hold,
On papers new or old;
Postage stamps tell, tell true stories;
Not of Whigs and Tories.
Revenue for the government;
Stamps legal document;
We make love to sticky-paste squares,
With kisses glue adheres.
Queen Victoria days of yore;
Penny Post at the door;
World's first postmark known, who carved it?
Henry Bishop submit.
Who gave Bajans adhesive stamp?
Was Rowland Hill, the champ?
Barbados postage stamps left clues;
Of kings and queens infuse;
See on this half pence stamp of green;
Historical facts seen;
See that crown perched above his head;
What message does it spread?

How much would half pence worth today;
A reckoning would say;
In Barbados money, six cents’
Inflation dents the pence.
Britannia has many themes:
Folks and animal scenes,
Celebrations and so much more;
Seen on each stamp logo;
Imperialist’s grip on Bimshire
Postage stamps, front and rear;
Dubbed Barbados Britannia
In mail-bag carrier;
Queen Victoria’s stamps for you;
Poetry book has them too;
View samples of her stamps below;
Old Barbados Stamps glow.

Poem - Queen Victoria
Style: Acrostic in Pentameter and Tetrameter Verses
Victoria wed her cousin
Uncle Leopold’s nephew, Prince Albert;
Eccentric to marriage laws in Bible;
Economic’ crucial role in Britain;
Nuptial family ties grace the Throne.
Vegan food was not her forte;
Ideology dripped from throne;
Cadre of folks did her biding;
Tucking her in bed, Albert’s gift;
Obedience was his forte;
Radiantly he helped her rule,
In every conceivable way
Albert was, always at her side.
Part Two
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