Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Evolution of the Barbados Postal System - Little England

Part One
Barbados Stamps Speaking Volumes
(Queen Victoria: British Empire I)

Image result for Queen Victoria on the throne

Queen Victoria on the throne;
Morality enthroned;
To every far flung colony;
Barbados, so tiny;

Growing sugar-cane island’s crop;
Slaves no wage, worked non-stop;
Elite kept their pounds, shillings and pence;
Slaves cane-fields; heat intense;
Slaves cut sugarcane filled dray-carts
Feeding mills; black poor hearts;
Bedchamber crisis at Palace;
Peel resigned from office;

Interesting review on this;
This postage stamp depicts
Britannia, Roman goddess,
Postage face does impress.

What are those images you see?
Neptune god of the sea;
Britannia personified;
And Romans canonized.

Female personification;
Britannia’s passion;
Brave waves did splash over England;
Britain, the great island.

Like Neptune she held a trident;
Three prongs so evident;
Neptune rides waves with seahorses
Well; Britannia does.
Old Barbados postage for you;
Plenty facts stuck with glue;
These sticky little squares do show;
Monarchy you should know;

What rates for the weights they must hold,
On papers new or old;
Postage stamps tell, tell true stories;
Not of Whigs and Tories.

Stamps revenue for government;
Posts legal document;
We make love to sticky-paste squares,
With kisses glue adheres.
Queen Victoria days of yore;
Penny Post at the door;
World's first postmark known, who carved it?
Henry Bishop made it.

Who gave Bajans adhesive stamp?
Was Rowland Hill, the champ?
Barbados postage stamps left clues;
Of kings and queens infuse;

Queen Victoria on the throne;
Morality enthroned;
To every far flung colony;
Barbados, so tiny;

Image result for Queen Victoria on the throne

Growing sugar-cane island’s crop;
Slaves no wage, worked non-stop;
Rich kept their pounds, shillings and pence;
Slaves sucked canes; heat intense;


Slaves-cut sugar-canes filled dray-carts
Feeding mills; black poor hearts;
Bed chamber crisis at Palace;
Peel resigned from office;

Interesting review on this;
This postage stamp depicts
Britannia, Roman goddess,
Postage face does impress.

What are those images you see?
Neptune god of the sea;
Britannia personified;
And Romans canonized.

Female personification;
Britannia’s passion;
Brave waves did splash over England;
Britain, the great island.

Like Neptune she holds a trident;
Three prongs so evident;
Neptune rides waves with seahorses
Well; Britannia does.

Died January twenty-two;
Mother of children too;
Rigid view of morality;
She held with clarity.
Old Barbados postage for you;
Plenty facts stuck with glue;
These sticky little squares do show;
Monarchy you should know;

What rates for the weights they must hold,
On papers new or old;
Postage stamps tell, tell true stories;
Not of Whigs and Tories.

Revenue for the government;
Stamps legal document;
We make love to sticky-paste squares,
With kisses glue adheres.
Queen Victoria days of yore;
Penny Post at the door;
World's first postmark known, who carved it?
Henry Bishop submit.

Image result

Who gave Bajans adhesive stamp?
Was Rowland Hill, the champ?
Barbados postage stamps left clues;
Of kings and queens infuse;

See on this half pence stamp of green;
Historical facts seen;
See that crown perched above his head;
What message does it spread?

How much would half pence worth today;
A reckoning would say;
In Barbados money, six cents’
Inflation dents the pence.

Britannia has many themes:
Folks and animal scenes,
Celebrations and so much more;
Seen on each stamp logo;

Imperialist’s grip on Bimshire
Postage stamps, front and rear;
Dubbed Barbados Britannia
In mail-bag carrier; 

Queen Victoria’s stamps for you;
Poetry book has them too;
View samples of her stamps below;
Old Barbados Stamps glow.

Poem - Queen Victoria

Style: Acrostic in Pentameter and Tetrameter Verses

Queen Victoria wed her cousin
Uncle Leopold’s nephew, Prince Albert;
Eccentric to marriage laws in Bible;
Economic’ crucial role in Britain;
Nuptial family ties grace the Throne. 

Vegan food was not her forte;
Ideology dripped from throne;
Cadre of folks did her biding;
Tucking her in bed, Albert’s gift;
Obedience was his forte;
Radiantly he helped her rule,
In every conceivable way
Albert was, always at her side.

Part Two
Barbados Stamps Speaking Volumes
(King George VI: Decline of the British Empire)

Super power the British Empire;
Sun never expire;
This global leader and police;
Workshop of world did cease
The death of Queen Victoria;
News reached California;
New King Edward the eighth on throne;
Job task he did bemoan;

Edward Quit Throne in an eye-blink;
Wed Willis out of sync;
Buckingham Palace with no king;
What crisis did it bring?

Edward left the thrown in bereft;
George Six filled void he left;
His legacy others would follow;
See his picture below;

War all around the globe full-blown;
George sixth must sit on throne;
Much unrest on land,  sky and sea;
Such crisis must not be.

Coronation of George splendid move;
His droned voice did improve;
Though he stammered he then would pause;
George gained worldwide applause;



King George Six made daily broad-cast;
The first on issues vast;
After outbreak of World War two;
On topics old and new.

All nations heard from King George six
On war and politics;
Because colonies were fleeing;
His Empire sinking;

His speeches were the first and best;
Flowed north, south, east and west;
He urged folks to think on their feet;
Change or ache from defeat.

Like manna all his words did fall;
Caused subjects to stand tall;
Fifteen years he ruled to a tee;
In sets of five clearly.

King George spoke often on the air;
Topics folks wished to hear;
His chats were the first and the best;
Flowed north, south, east and west;

George held fast the crumbling cookie
He no regal rookie;
With brazen determination
Ousted, trepidation.

War every place around the globe;
King George wore well his robe;
He no graduate from Eton;
His success unbeaten;

Old Barbados postage for you;
Plenty facts stuck with glue;
These sticky little squares do show;
Monarchy you should know.

What rates for the weight they do hold,
On papers new or old?
These sticky little squares do show;
The monarchy you should know.

Postage stamps tell, tell true stories;
Not of Whigs and Tories;
Photos of reigning Queen or King;
Stamps money table string.

Four farthing one penny, kids chant
With a Bajan voice slant
Twelve pennies one shilling don’t miss
Five shillings one crown, Chris.

Four crowns make one pound Sovereign;
In Crown lands thick or thin;
Twenty-one shillings one guinea,
Don’t forget dear Jimmie.

The Duke of York, King George the Six
 Empire he transfix
 Commonwealth of Nations he made
England strong in war and trade.

Read you all white or ebony;
George Six's great legacy;
British Isle stronger and larger;
Elizabeth’s father.

(Please wait for the continuation)

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