Sunday, September 07, 2008

Home-made Candles

Scores of candles are made at home. Making candles with skilful fingers is a chore. Candles burning brightly are really some type of wax packed tight. Mounted as a mould or in a jar their light is seen near and far. They come in so many different shapes, hue and scent. They fill the polluted air with sweet perfume and cause smiling faces to resume. They are delightful on tables, windowsills and birthday cakes too. Do you know that candles come from animal fat with a wick stuck inside? Such recycled things can do the trick when saving the environment from heat and thirst, or we could create more problems that make the head burst. They say that candles burning in the night can kill mosquitoes in their flight. The fragrance of candles is such a delight, that most people enjoy their scent and light. Angel candles burning in a dark room provide no place for evil spirits to hide or park. So the soul is at rest and pleasant thoughts in the head whenever you toss and turn in your queen-size bed.

©Paterika Hengreaves/2002


  1. Kia ora Paterika,
    Lovely and timely. Using your hands and skills to create light and your words to create joy. Your comment on the environment strikes a real chord. Even the ranges I now roam are under threat by power companies wanting to erect miles and miles of wind farms benathe them and on their flanks. For money. When do we begin to ask how we can use less to live better with Nature? Kia ora Paterika.

  2. Kia ora Robb

    Thanks for your comments. Yes, indeed the money greed is striking everyone at the core. What has it done and continues to do to the environment? That's the question we are leaving for the GenerationX to answer, I suppose.

