Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nine Eleven's Broken Promise

(In Iambic Tetrameter with the abab rhyme scheme)

No where was he seen in Iraq
The man lives in Afghanistan
From whence he ordered the attack
To execute his evil plan.

Seven years now Bush promised US
'By George' we will avenge the cause
Of deaths sleeping in metal rust
Relentlessly without a pause.

Buildings fell and new heroes rose
Throughout all those remembrance days
But his promise in deep repose
Bin Laden hides within the maze.

His broken promise washed in blood
He drills oil for the super rich
While the poor drowns more in the flood
Their homes and cars fall in the ditch.

Saddam's demise makes no difference
Askewed claims on terrorism
Whistle blows new intelligence
On army's adventurism.

So as he limps from the white house
Bush asked his aide, where is 'muh cane'
Still in Iraq praising the guass
While your cracked promise gives real pain.

© Paterika Hengreaves
September 11, 2008

This is a response to the poem, "No Friendly Sky Anymore"


  1. Kia ora Paterika,
    The finest memorial to this day I have read or seen. Thank you. Your prolific output lately is both delightful and rich and I have to return many times to listen, read, and absorb your beautiful works. You are a treasure trove.
    My mountain are under peril and I could use your support. Please stop by when you get a moment and have a look. It is time to fight back in some way against the continued rape of our beautiful planet. Cheers Paterika.

  2. I found this poem very moving and a wonderful tribute to all those who died on that dreadful day.


  3. You wrote a heartfelt piece about this terrible day in excellent wording. You are a great poet. I still have a postcard, my father sent me once, with the twin towers on it. Just a look at it an you feel the horror
