Tuesday, May 25, 2010


(Acrostic in Free Verses)

Rejoice give thanks and forever sing
Open your eyes to the beauty of every flowering thing
Search the wardrobe of colourful blooms
Excursions in the mind beneath the moon
Sun and under the stars, we enjoy

(Acrostic with Pentameter Verses) 

Rejoice and give thanks to the redeemer;
Open ears to the sound of the oboe;
Search those colorful blooms beneath the sky;
Excursions in the mind we entertain;
So much wisdom keeps flowing from that sage.

(May 25, 2010)


  1. Great Acrostic I love the line "excursions in the mind do entertain"
    Hope all is well Here it is raining all the time and we getting snow soon.

  2. Anonymous7:16 am

    Nice and simple...
    Greetings from Malaysia..
    Have a nice day...
