Saturday, April 19, 2008

Simple Kiwi Pleasures

From the eyes of a tourist
The scenery of the

 Aotearoa landscape

On the road to Whangarei
Is breathtakingly beautiful;

From north to south, east and the west,
On all sides the traffic flows;

In an on ending line both fast and slow.
The awesomeness of the rolling hills,

The trees and fauna of every shape and kind
Burst with dazzling beauty;

From the exhilarating rays of the sun;
They spread their glow of splendour,

Like the neon lights beaming across
The Auckland Harbour;

Through searching eyes,

Are flower-strewn meadows,
And babbling brooks 

And  streams
That lap up the springtime air

While, beneath
The trees

And in the fields,
Golden daffodils stand

With their trumpets,
Lifted proudly towards the wind;

They herald in the musical sounds
Of the forested land;

Now high above in the azure sky whipped cream images
With unique designs gently float on by.

And at the mountain base
Sheep and lambs do graze

And frolic with a stately prance.
Such simple pleasures

Are found
In Aotearoa

Land of the
Long White Cloud...

©Paterika Hengreaves

Watch the video clip for this poem


  1. Kia ora Paterika,
    Beautiful! I love listening to your voice. I have never been a listener of poetry but you are converting me. I love the rhythm, flow, and simplicity of your words and photos. The photo of the Auckland sky line is a stunner. We are truly blessed here in so many ways. Kia ora Paterika. Rangimarie (Peace to You).
    Ka kite ano,

  2. Hi Paterika. What a great surprise to see so many beautiful pictures and to hear your voice and your nice poem.
    When did you go to NZ? I never went to the North Island, except for Wellington. I hope to see these
    wonderful places you showed me in real life one day.
